My personal website built with Hugo
Updated 2024-01-10 16:33:16 +01:00
Updated 2023-08-01 10:52:48 +02:00
Gallery shortcode for Hugo. Fork of Li-Wen Yip's Easy Gallery
Updated 2024-02-07 22:21:46 +01:00
Hugo theme component for scraping comments on a Mastodon post containing a site's address
Updated 2019-10-20 23:00:29 +02:00
Updated 2020-03-16 11:54:36 +01:00
A simple web app to allow editing a file used for autoreplies
Updated 2021-12-23 14:57:55 +01:00
Handle clean read-only (re-)syncs of Seafile libraries to mirror them
Updated 2024-04-16 00:14:12 +02:00
Ansible role for deploying Seafile mirror job
Updated 2023-12-20 09:07:16 +01:00
Simple script to deal with ansible vaults and encrypted strings
Updated 2024-02-29 09:54:43 +01:00
A simple Ansible role for creating a user with a given password and some essential settings
Updated 2023-10-25 11:34:46 +02:00